"...how much more shall the Heavenly Father give to them that ask."

Luke 11:1-13 "...how much more shall the Heavenly Father give to them that ask."

Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Update

So, this is the first post I've had in a looooong time, let me explain...

I moved out of my apartment February 2, one week after I had to put my cherished dog of 13 years, Ty, down.  After this, I realized two things: 1) living in that apartment which I HATED without my companion would be miserable, and 2) I didn't want to keep paying rent when I had a house that I could live in and save some money.  So, I finished packing up everything that I had actually unpacked (which wasn't much) and moved it into the house.  I threw a mattress on the floor in my loft, bought a heated blanket, and started camping out in my house.

Ahhh, camping... so I had two extension cords strung from a temporary power pole that supplied the only electric in the house, this allowed me to run my blanket at night to stay warm and I had a port-a-john for bathroom... oh yeah, I didn't have the plumbing on yet.  I am blessed to be in a profession that relies on locker rooms, so that's where I took showers mostly.  My colleague and friend, Sara, invited me over quite frequently for supper and a hot shower too... what a blessing she and her husband Shawn have been!!!

So without power, there is no computer or Internet, and hence, there have not been any blog posts for several months.  But the good news is that I have power and plumbing, and yes, the Internet now.  Most of you know that the house has passed the final inspection, however, I want to continue updating the blog in the order in which the construction took place.  So I am going to continue posting as my time permits to show you the construction phases and projects until I have my open house (sometime soon, I hope).

I hope you are all well,
In Him,


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