"...how much more shall the Heavenly Father give to them that ask."

Luke 11:1-13 "...how much more shall the Heavenly Father give to them that ask."

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

2 weeks and counting

Well, I officially have 2 weeks until I move to western NC.  Wow, time has flown by.  I have my storage unit rented, the extended stay hotel reserved, and my Budget moving truck on hold.  Now to find some people who want to help me pack it... LOL!  Actually, I have great friends here in Greenville who will come to my rescue I'm sure.  God has blessed me with great friends who have been my family for four years.  I will truly miss them in my day-to-day life....but we have some fun planned in the mountains!!  so no worries on seeing them often.

So in the next two weeks here's what still has to happen on the house:  the contractor has to get me his bid, the attorney has to do the title search, the appraisal has to be done, the disclosure signed.... then we will set a closing date.  Pray for all of these things to go quickly and smoothly!

After closing, the fun begins.  Here are some more pics of what we're working with for those of you who are following:

all of this grass has to be removed from under the house... any volunteers??

while the previous owner thought this would be a pull through garage... I DON'T THINK SO! :)

This window and door configuration will be completely different when we're done.

Bye Bye to the sun porch!

Tyvek here we come! 
on a positive note... composite decking... OH YEAH!

well, more pics to come...thanks for all of you who are praying for this project!

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